Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Post graduate studies

I am studying chemistry and first I would like to finish my career. First I would like to finish the bachiller that is the first fours semester of the beginning of the career. I don’t finish that because I fall behind with a signature. Then I will finish the major and then I will take my professional degree, chemistry.

cooper minerals and flasks with the element in solution
The subject that I like more is organic chemistry and I would like to take a post title in that area to perfect myself in the area, I will take an organic instrumental post title that combines analytics chemistry, inorganic chemistry and organic chemistry that beef up the skills in laboratory in the industrial sector, mining sector and environment sector.

Then I would like to work a little in some industry because I would like to take a master degree in Chile or other country like EEUU, UK, etc. Sounds interesting to study in blended system, because I will study sometime in the other country and then I will come back to Chile and see my family and friends. I would like to study more for have so much experience in scientific knowledge and technologic in laboratory machines. I see a program that deepens in environment chemistry, metallurgic chemistry and when the program is finished, it has to do a thesis in the area that I liked the most. Also i know some teachers that do this magister program and I like to keep working with them. 
me in the future.


  1. Wow you are agree with blended sistem. I would be agree but I think I get very distracted.
