Sunday, August 7, 2016

A career-related website.

A career-related website that i visit with frequently is This website is about reinforcement of matters like chemestry, math and physics. It is for the PSU but i still have visited when i study chemestry. This website have sections of the differents matters, and this page is so good, because it has videos of teachers explaining the matter and in the section of chemestry, i know the teacher that teach and make the videos, and she explain so well the matter and is easy for me to understand ‘cause she taught me when i was in high school.

This page request an user, but when i was in high school, some people of the universidad central come to the school and give us the users and the passwords for enter to the website.

I visit this website before the tests in chemestry and it help me to clarify the doubts, but i think that this website will only help me this first semester because the matter that it have is kinda basic, so this page help more to the students that are in high school.

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