Sunday, August 7, 2016

A Subject I've enjoyed studying this semester.

The chemical laboratories is the matter that i have enjoyed studying this semester in the university. This course is practical and i had never worked in a laboratory in my life. I choose this matter because the Schedule was new for me and i liked so much to learn how to use all the instruments in the laboratory and the teachers in this course are so patients and kind when they explained how to do the activities in the practical classes and always helped in anytime as well the assistant of the laboratory.

If i could change something in this course, i would change the quantity of hours there are in the week, i would like to have laboratory twice a week or maybe not waste so much time in activities that are boring and easy to do. Also i would like to do more experiments or something like that, i mean, i now that we are just begining in the laboratory, but i want more action and learn about chemical reactions and why did this happened or why not. 

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