Tuesday, October 16, 2018


My favourite pet is the dog, i love them because they are kind, lovely and soft. They always accompany in any situation and they know when you are happy or sad. I love when you come home and they throw themselves at you and lick with enthusiasm, they are a honest animal.
I have two dogs in my house, Hanna and Vaqui. 

Hanna is a mix between a boxer and a cocker, is pelage is brown and short, and she is little. 
Hanna comes into the house in 2010. My family always wants a dog but mi sister was allergic to the dog's hair and we have to wait to adopt a dog. We have to go to Calera de Tango to adopted Hanna, so it was difficult to go there, but it was worth it. 
Hanna and Vaqui.
Hanna is a lazy dog; she is always sleeping with my mom or with my brothers, and also is a shivering cold dog. Obviously when we go to the park she freaks out.

My other dog, Vaqui, is Hanna's son! She gets pregnant the last year and she had 2 puppies in January, 2018. Vaqui and Cookie. We give Cookie to my dad's friend and no one wants Vaqui because he is a naughty dog! So we have to take him. Vaqui have a leafy white pelage and is bigger than Hanna.
Now he has 9 months and he is still a bad dog, he bites anything that he finds! 
I love them because they just love you, with no condition, they always give all they love and there are pure love! They are high to us, and we have to learn about them.