Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Best Holiday...

In the last summer i went to Valdivia, de la Region de los Rios. I went with a friend and we met in Valdivia with  some friends that my friend knew before. I alredy knew Valdivia but our friends show us things new of the city, like a restaurant that we went called "Bunker". There we drank craft beers and eat a huge sandwich. Also we went to another bar called " El Growler", and taste so much craft beer because it was cheaper!. My friend liked a beer called "Belzeboo", it was a bitter and strong beer, i didn't liked so much.
Also i knew a beach in Niebla, and the water was cold than in the north of Chile, but we swan
anyway and enjoyed the little sun that it was that day and also drank beer, obviously!
Noche Valdiviana.

 We went in the last weak of February because we wanted to knew the "Noche Valdiviana" . This is a event where the people do a parade of allegorical boats in the Calle-Calle river , and when the event finished, they throw fireworks.

 As well we went to Frutillar and when we went up to the dock, i looked down and my glasses fell in the lake! i had to asked for help and a boy went to pick my glasses. In spite of the situation we enjoyed the day anyway
This was my best holiday because i love Valdivia and i had to work hard to got the money in a horrible work, but it was a wonderful week.

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